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November 21, 2012 to November 23, 2012

Multi-function Room, Level 2,
Madam Kwok Chung Bo Fun Sports and Cultural Centre, 55 Renfrew Rd, Kowloon Tsai, Hong Kong


As our societies are increasingly reliant on technology, what becomes obvious is the unique contribution that corporeal experience plays in creativity, and creativity plays in research. Scholarship in art creation is equal to that in scientific research. Art creation in some cases may also be the result of research.

Exploring the borders in art, science and technology, the International Conference on Research Creativity: Praxis seeks to define this relationship beyond human geography. Networks that are sites of research and practices embedded in a larger context are often cross-connected with social movements of locally and globally networked societies.

Following the success of AVA’s inaugural conference ‘Opportunities and Challenges – Visual Arts Education in Asia’ in 2009, this year we bring some of the world’s leading creative thinkers together in Hong Kong to delve deeper into the notion of Praxis. How can we avoid falling into the trap of being pragmatic when undertaking research, so that poetics are nourished and supported rather than stifled by the need to articulate/publish, so that entrenched research paradigms do not stifle new modes of research that can be supported to emerge from artistic fields? Creative research adopts the language of the times, modeled upon the digital networks and the electronic circuitry of our age, rather than the mechanical factories designed in the industrial age.

We have the ability to use the affordances of the body to explore post-modernity’s alternative geographies. International Conference on Research Creativity – Praxis is about mapping this new terrain for research.



Day 1 (21st Nov, 2012)

10:00am Registration

10:30am- 12:00pm Opening and Keynote address

  • 10:30 AM – Welcoming by Prof. Martha CHEUNG, Fellow of Institute of Creativity/Director Centre for Translation/ Chair Prof. Translation.
  • 10:40 AM – Welcoming by Prof. John AIKEN, Chair/Prof Fine Art/ Director Academy of Visual Arts HKBU.
  • 10:50 AM – Welcoming by Dr. Patricia Flanagan Chairperson International Conference on Research Creativity: Praxis.

11:00am – 12:00pm Keynote address
Making Magic Machines
By Kristina Anderson, Amsterdam – STEIM (the studio for electro-instrumental music)/ Founding Fellow of the Research Institute in the Converging Arts And Sciences (ICAS) University of Greenwich United Kingdom.

12:00 – 1:00pm Plenary Session One
Networks as sites of research

2:00pm – 3:45pm Plenary Session Two
Body, move, playHaptic praxis, sensibility, practice led/practice based research

7:00pm Opening of HIF Exhibition/welcoming party
Venue:  Koo Ming Kwon Exhibition Gallery

Day 2 (22nd Nov, 2012)

9:45am – 10:45am Keynote address
Inner Technologies and the Field of Freedom
By Shelly SACKS, United Kingdom/ South Africa – Professor of Social Sculpture at Oxford Brooks University, Oxford, United Kingdom/ Director Social Sculpture Research Institute/ Social Sculpture Practitioner.

  • 10:45am – 11:00am Tea Break

11:00am -1:00pm Plenary Session Three
Thinking through the body (Practice as thinking/thinking as practice)

2:00pm – 4:45pm Plenary Session Four
Collaborative and inter-disciplinary creativity (Breaking down silos/ creative community)

7:30pm Conference dinner
Chi Lin Vegetarian, 5 Chi Lin Drive, Diamond Hill, Kowloon

Day 3 (23rd Nov, 2012)

Keynote address 9:45 – 10:45 AM
New Maps for New Spaces: The poetics of creative knowledge
by Elizabeth Grierson, Australia – Professor of Art and Philosophy at RMIT University, Research Leader of RMIT Design Research Institute, 2005 – 12 Head of the School of Art at RMIT University Melbourne.

  • 10:45 – 11:00 AM Tea Break

11:00 AM – 1:30 PM Plenary Session Five
Research about creativity/ creativity as research

2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Panel discussion

  • Kristina ANDERSON, Netherlands – STEIM (the studio for electro-instrumental music)
  • Prof. Shelly SACKS, United Kingdom/ South Africa – Professor of Social Sculpture at Oxford Brooks University
  • Prof. Elizabeth GRIERSON – Professor of Art and Philosophy and Head of the School of Art, the Royal Mel­bourne Institute of Technology.
  • Dr. Jack LEE, Hong Kong – Assistant Professor Visual Culture, Art Criticism, HKBU
  • Dr. HO Sui Kee, Hong Kong – Associate Director and Programme Director of MVA Sculpture, Body Aesthetics, HKBU
  • Dr. Roger NG, Hong Kong – Institute of Textiles and Clothing Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Dr. LEUNG Mee Ping, Hong Kong – Assistant Professor Cultural Studies, Integrated Creativity, HKBU
  • Dr. Vivian TING, Hong Kong – Assistant Professor Material Culture, Museum Studies, HKBU
  • Dr. Patricia FLANAGAN, Australia/Hong Kong – Assistant Professor Wearables Lab, Academy of Visual Arts HKBU
  • Dr. Anson MAK, Hong Kong – Lecturer Moving Image and Sound Art, HKBU
  • Ms. Emma WATTS, United Kingdom/Hong Kong – Lecturer Art History, Visual Culture, HKBU


Call for Papers

Submissions are invited on significant, original, and previously unpublished cases and research in the following areas:

  • Thinking through the body (practice as thinking and thinking as practice)
  • Body, move, play (Haptic praxis, sensibility, and practice-led/practice-based research)
  • Networks as sites of research
  • Collaborative and inter-disciplinary creativity (Breaking down silos and connecting creative communities)
  • Research about creativity and creativity as research

Please submit an abstract limited to 500 words and a bibliography not later than 23rdJuly 2012.

The accepted abstracts will be invited to submit a full paper of maximum 4,000 words length that will be peer reviewed prior to confirmation of the final speakers list. The accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. The authors will then be invited to make a 20-minute presentation at the conference.


Dr. Patricia Flanagan – Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University

Organizing Committee
Dr. Ho Siu Kee – Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Dr. Victor Lai – Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University

Programme Committee
Dr. Vivian Ting – Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Dr. Jack Lee – Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Dr. Bryan Chung – Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ms. Mariko Takagi – Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ms. Emma Watts – Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University

Steering Committee
Dr. Danielle Wilde – Art and Design Technology Research and Education, Australia
Dr. Kanta Kochhar-Lindgren – Director of Folded Paper Dance, Director of the 2013 Innovation Forum: Engaging Design, Associate Professor of Performance Studies, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences University of Washington, Bothell
Dr. Hugo Fuks – Departamento de Informática at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro

Peer reviewers
Dr. Bruce Barber – Professor Media Arts/ Historical and Critical Studies MFA Director, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, Canada.
Dr. Kanta Kochhar-Lindgren – Associate Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, University of Washington, Bothell, USA.
Dr. Hugo Fuks – Associate Professor Department of Informatics, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio De Janeiro, Brasil.
Dr. Megan K. Blake – Visiting Associate Professor, Geography, Hong Kong University, Senior Lecturer Geography, University of Sheffield, UK.
Dr. Jack Barbalet – Head and Professor Department of Sociology, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.
Dr. Leonard Steinbach – Principal of Cultural Technology Strategies, Zanvyl Krieger School of art and Sciences, John Hopkins University, Washington DC, USA/ Visiting Fellow, City University, Hong Kong.
Dr. Patricia Flanagan – Assistant Professor Wearables Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.

Law Bo Kent Kevin – Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University

Important Dates

  • July 23 – Deadline for submission of abstract
  • July 31 – Notification of acceptance of abstract
  • August 27 – Deadline for full paper submission
  • October 12 – Notification of acceptance of paper
  • October 22 – Deadline for final paper submission
  • November 21 to 23 – Conference Dates


Early Bird – AVA Student HKD$80 Edit |
Normal – AVA Student HKD$100 Edit |
Early Bird – Student HKD$400 Edit |
Normal – Student HKD$500 Edit |
Early Bird – Full HKD$800 Edit |
Normal – Full HKD$1000 Edit |


Keynote Speaker
Elizabeth Grierson
Professor of Art and Philosophy, RMIT University
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Kristina Andersen
Senior Researcher, Patchingzone
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Shelley Sacks
Professor of Social Sculpture, Oxford Brookes University
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