Steel, cotton, Ardunio micro processors, conductive ink, electroplated nylon eyelashes, LED’s, electronics, synthetic hair.
Blinklifier, a wearable computer that amplifies human blinking and minimises the use of intrusive devices on the face such as heavy glasses and electromyography. Here we investigate the communication possibilities by exposing blinking through wearable computers. As technologies become cheaper and more readily available, the potential to embed sensors into the fabric of everyday objects and materials is enabling a form of aesthetic thinking to emerge. By harnessing the power of techno-sensual feedback loops, everyday objects can become reflective tools that stimulate us to modify our behaviours in ways that feel natural and unobtrusive. Humanistic Intelligence (HI) proposed by Steve Mann describes a framework wherein the natural capabilities of our human body and mind interact in synergy with one another and wearable computers become an integral part of the feedback loop. Blinklifier is our HI proposal, a wearable computer that amplifies voluntary and involuntary eyelid movement.
Project partners:
Katia Vega
•Human Robot Friendship Ball, VIVID festival, The Connection, Rhodes, 14th June 2019.
•Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, HKSAR 20th Anniversary Celebration Runway Grand Variety Show and exhibition, 30th June 2017
•Maker Faire Shenzhen, Peoples Republic of China 6 – 8th April 2014.
•Make Fashion, Calgary Canada, 1st March 2014.
•Change your Perception, Asian Premiere of Multimedia Art: New York Paris Hong Kong, Art Supermarket, Central, Hong Kong, Nov 2013 (Video only).
•Participate, Wooloongabba Art Gallery, Brisbane, Australia 12 – 26th July, 2013.
•VIVID Festival, HKETO House, Sydney, Australia May 24th May – 10th Jun 2013. (Headpiece plus video projection in Dome).
•Mini Maker Faire, Shenzhen, Peoples Republic of China 6 – 7th April 2013
•Haptic InterFace Hong Kong, Koo Ming Kwon Exhibition Gallery, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, The Peoples Republic of China 21st Nov – 16th Dec 2012.
•The 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction (APCHI) Matsue, Japan, 28th -31st August 2012.
•Beyond Wearables, GOELIA 225, Guanzhou, Peoples Republic of China, 30th Jun – 29th Jul 2012.
•Art meets Fashion, Karin Webber Gallery, SoHo, Hong Kong, Feb. 9th – 14th 2012
Flanagan P, 2017, ‘Inside, Outside and Beyond the Body: wearable interfaces and the future self’, in Zhao R; Chan C (ed.), Minding the Digital, Thongji Press, Shenzhen, pp. 108 – 117
Flanagan P, 2017, ‘The Renaissance of the Sensual in a Vivacious World’, Leonardo Electronic Almanac, vol. 22,
Flanagan P; Papadopoulos D; Voss G, 2015, ‘Intimacy and Extimacy: Ethics, Power, and Potential of Wearable Technologies’, in Barfield W (ed.), Fundamentals of Wearable Computing and Augmented Reality, edn. Second Edition, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 32 – 53,
Vega, Katia, Beauty Technology as an Interactive Computing Platform. PhD thesis, Pontificial Catholic University of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, May 2014, pp.15,38,40,45-48,65,68-75,81. Note: Dr. Flanagan was co-supervisor of this PhD candidate and Blinklifier is used as one of the case studies within this thesis.
Flanagan, Patricia; 2014, A Vibrant Evolution: From Wearable Devices to Objects as Mediators of Experience. Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience Design for Everyday Life Applications and Services, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8519, 2014, pp.675, 681, 686.
Flanagan, Patricia, Fashion Futurism, User Experience Magazine, Special issue User Experience and Sci-Fi Vol.13, No. 2, 2013, ISSN is 2168-5681, Front Cover (image) plus pp. 24-26.
Flanagan, Patricia; Vega, Katia, Future Fashion – at the interface. IN Marcus, Aaron (Ed.) Design, User Experience, and Usability Design Philosophy, Methods and Tools, The HCI International 2013 Conference Proceedings, part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series, Springer, 2013, pp.48, 50-3, 56.
Flanagan, Patricia, Haptic Interface Aesthetics – ‘Feedback loops, live coding and how to harness the potential of embodied estrangement in artistic practices and aesthetic theories within interface culture’, IN Marcus, Aaron (Ed.) Design, User Experience, and Usability Design Philosophy, Methods and Tools, The HCI International 2013 Conference Proceedings, part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. Springer, 2013, pp. 58,62,66,67.
Vega, Katia; Flanagan, Patricia; Fuks, Hugo, Blinklifier: A Case Study for Prototyping Wearable Computers in Technology and Visual Arts, IN Marcus, Aaron (Ed.) Design, User Experience, and Usability Design Philosophy, Methods, and Tools, The HCI International 2013 Conference Proceedings, part III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)and Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series, Springer, 2013, pp. 439-45.
Flanagan, Patricia; Vega, Katia; Fuks, Hugo (2012) Blinklifier: The power of feedback loops for amplifying expressions through bodily worn objects.’ 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction (APCHI) 2012, Conference proceedings Vol.2, pp. 641-2.
Web publications
Fawkes, The Future of Wearable Tech, accessed, Jan. 29th 2014 (includes images and links to video documentation embedded into the report).
Shen, Coco. Tech Chic – Blinklifier Professional Flirting Gadget, VANTAGE Shanghai, Jan issue 2014, p.114.
China International, Next (Chinese), 26th Nov 2013.
Mondy, Charnelle, Listen: Dr Tricia Flanagan @ VIVID, 66 Meet-Ups,, posted June 24th 2013
Botros, Regina, Sydney’s Vivid Festival of Light, Music and Ideas, Interview with Tricia Flanagan, Australian Broadcasting Commission Radio National Books and Arts Daily, 10:42 am, 4 June 2013. Sculley, Jess, The Future of wearable art, Tricia Flanagan interview with Jess Scully, 2SER So Hot Right Now, 11am, 1st June 2013 (Podcast available
Lachlan Orr and Anthony Dockrill interview with Tricia Flanagan, Eastside Radio Friday Drive Show, 5:00 pm 31st May 2013 Bennet, Tim, 2SER Daily Program, Interview with Tricia Flanagan (Anthony Dockrill, Program director), 10-11am, 29th May 2013.
Blinklifier – Beauty Technology, (German) IT-News Für Profis,, 18th Oct 2013. Marks, Paul, Metallic make-up lets you launch drones with a wink, (Blinklifier featured in interview with Katia Vega) New Scientist (Tech),, 16 October 2013.
Brittien Sean, Dr Tricia Flanagan Explains the Haptic InterFace, 10 min interview, 2SER Friday Breakfast, 24th May 2013.(Podcast Australian Broadcasting Commission, Coast Radio, Tuesday 11th Sept 2012.
Beyond Fashion (video) Hong Kong Fashion Design Association (HKFDA),, uploaded 7 Sep 2012.
Young, Meghan, Wink-Responding Headdresses-The Blinklifier by Tricia Flanagan Puts on a Colorful Light Display,, Aug 24, 2012. Chen, Yi, A hightech headdress that is able to amplify flirty gestures with lighting displays., August 24, 2012.
Science News Daily, Blinklifier: When mascara just won’t cut it,…news/cluster202617864/-, Aug 22, 2012.
Technology Everyday, Blinklifier: When mascara just won’t cut it,, 22 August 2012.
Hornyak, Tim. Blinklifier: Bat eyelashes, activate display, CNET News,,August 22,2012.