Save & ExitHaptic InterFace – Workshop 2012
EditWhen & Where

November 10, 2012 to November 20, 2012
Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery,
Kwun Tong Rd, 51, Ngau Tau Kok, Hong Kong
Spend six intensive hours developing new ideas in relation to the body through the creative use of materials and praxis. Our aim is to provide a space where professionals and creative thinkers from a range of backgrounds explore the borders between art, science and technology.
This is a participant-driven workshop where you will be encouraged to collaborate, mash-up materials and technology and find ways to let innovation happen in real-time. Get an insight into the latest innovations in open source hardware gadgets and technologies and hi-tech Merino wool products from the workshop sponsors Seeed Studios and The Woolmark company. Then get your hands and imaginations to work guided by expert facilitators as they fast track the creative process through a Rapid Prototyping workshop using low-tech body storming techniques.
Participants will learn 3D pattern modeling for complex organic shapes as well as basic Seeedunio programming. Seeed Studios design modular electronics for quick prototyping and small scale projects. They also carry inventories from community innovators, and help people make, distribute their designs and collect the revenue.
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