Save & ExitHaptic InterFace – Exhibition 2014
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December 3, 2014 to December 19, 2014
Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery,
Kwun Tong Road, 51, Hong Kong
Haptic InterFace Exhibition 2014 will take place from 3rd – 19th December at the Koo Ming Kown Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong. It featured art/design/multi-media work in the form of body related works from leading artists/ designers/ scientists around the world.
The focus of 2014 exhibition is HIF Designing Experience.
In addition to the core exhibition a pop-up exhibition of concepts/prototypes developed in the Wearables Lab will be exhibited as a at the end of the 10-day intensive workshop. A public sympossium will take place, an opportunity to meet the 20 HIF workshop participants and get a global insite into latest exploritory research in the field.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – R. Buckminster Fuller
Haptic Interface 2014 – Designing Experience combines our current reality, our imagined future and our unimagined future with Fuller’s challenge by bringing together professionals and creative thinkers from different disciplines and cultures to explore the borders between art, science and technology in an innovative trans-disciplinary exhibition of new ideas in relation to the body through the creative use of materials and praxis.
Works in this exhibition consider an intermediary zone; not clearly part of the body (the intimate-self) or of the public (the communal-self) it can be viewed as a space of depth rather than surface.
The affordances of the body may undermine and even revise existing practices of embodiment and lead to new processes for navigating the alternative geographies of post-modernity.
Technology is increasingly becoming smaller and more powerful and access to data, faster and more portable, while scientific discoveries are revealing more about how our mind and bodies work. The resulting interconnected world of objects, beings and spaces is the environment we currently inhabit. It is within the intersecting nodes and spaces of accelerated change, through intelligence, imagination and innovation that we must imagine and design ethical and sustainable future(s) in which we want to live.
HIF 2014 Participating Artists
Sara ADHITYA, Isaac CHONG, Meiyi CHEUNG, Bryan CHUNG, Emma COOPER, Beck DAVIS, Jared DONOVAN, David EBNER, Tricia FLANAGAN, Raune FRANKJAER, Daniel GILGEN, Rafael GOMEZ, Dave HRYNKIW, HO Siu Kee, Ceci HO Sze Lo, Kinor JIANG, Erina KASHIHARA, Tobias KLEIN, Joey LAI, Miu Ling LAM, Daniel LAU Chak Kwong, Kosa LAW, Zoe MAHONY, Hofi MAN, Kit MESSHAM-MUIR, Jana MOERMANN, Ann MORRISON, Kingsley NG, Louis NG, Roger NG, Jake OLIVER-FISHMAN, Elizabeth SHAW, Michaela SWAN, Poly TAM, Anne WIEDAU, Musey XU, Tobias ZIMMER
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